Its a crazy month, stressful and exciting. I love it and hate it, all the guessing. Waiting for residency interviews is nailbiting-scary. And I stopped biting my nails in 1996.
The worst are the would-be-friendly rejection letters, because each of the programs I applied to have been carefully chosen. Of course, I have my step 1 score to thank for the showing so far, and I should get more starting Nov, once the MSPE's are released to programs. I think my MSPE looks good enough to garner me a few interviews more.
Its disconcerting to hear others say things like they have 15-20 interviews already - jeez. You popular, ideal doctor, go away from my life. Really. Stop making me feel inadequate already!
I want to get a good residency; I want it so bad it hurts sometimes. I want to be free of worrying! This whole process is going to drag on for six months, right until March. ITS TOO DAMN LONG!!!