"The only thing better than a best friend is a best friend with Chocolate."

Monday, January 10, 2011

I’m overwhelmed, asphyxiated by
words ricocheting in my head. Their clamor
is like the primate section of a zoo on a
midsummer weekend, except it intensifies
after the sun goes down. No banana for you,
I think to myself.

Their risqué mating rituals form thoughts,
paint illusions on a caffeine-starved mind
too tired to bother looking for reality. Too tired
to be a bulwark against the words, really.

Tonight, I let the ink spill onto paper,
words that resemble rorscharch paintings
in syntax and form. Yet the words are there,
out of control,
inviting a cataclysm.

So glad I'm on vacation.


jack said...

accidental ink spots - i turned into japanese lettering and was banned from the maths class - but it began
a career in creativity -that others thought quite mad

i love the writing - inviting a cataclysm- why not- you are on vacation -time to enjoy such things -
love to you jack

Guinea Pig Poet said...

Hahaha - Japanese Lettering. I love it. I have always had good handwriting, too legible for my own good sometimes. I was always too conscientious a student.

The cataclysm rages on, Jack. Maybe I'll write about it. Or rather, I'll wait for the words to come.
